Insight Fitness TKM service
Insight Fitness 's Turnkey Manufacturing services (TKM), offering an all-encompassing solution for clients looking to bring their product concepts to life. From initial concept discussions to final product delivery, we manage every aspect of the manufacturing process. Our turnkey solutions are designed to alleviate the complexities of product development, enabling clients to focus on their core business while we handle design, production, quality control, and logistics. We work closely with clients to develop and refine their ideas, ensuring the final product aligns perfectly with their vision and market requirements. Our end-to-end service includes not only manufacturing but also packaging, delivery, installation, and post-sales support. With Insight Fitness, clients receive a fully realized product, ready for market entry, backed by our commitment to excellence and innovation.
Our TKM Process


  • Facilitate a comprehensive 
    discussion to understand the concept.
  • Conduct feasibility study
    and develop a full design.
  • Present the design and
    make any necessary revisions.
  • Provide a detailed quote
    and contract for the project.
  • Develop and send the
    prototype for review.
  • Manage and execute the
    production process.
  • Ensure quality through checks
    and inspections.
  • Handle packaging, delivery,
    and provide installation assistance.
  • Offer post-delivery support,
    including technical assistance.
  • Solicit and implement feedback
    for continuous improvement.


  • STEP

    Initial Concept
  • STEP

    Concept Development
    and Design
  • STEP

    Design Presentation
    and Revisions
  • STEP

    Quotation and
  • STEP

    Prototype Development
    and Review
  • STEP

  • STEP

    Quality Assurance and
    Final Inspection
  • STEP

    Packaging, Delivery,
    and Installation
  • STEP

    After-Sales Service
    and Support
  • STEP

    Client Feedback and
    Continuous Improvement


  • Present the initial idea
    or concept for the product.
  • Provide input, feedback, and
    final approval on the design.
  • Review, provide feedback,
    and approve the design.
  • Review, negotiate, and
    sign the contract.
  • Review the prototype and
    give feedback or approval.
  • Await updates and monitor
    production progress.
  • Await confirmation of
    product quality.
  • Confirm delivery details and
    receive the shipment.
  • Utilize support services and
    provide final project feedback.
  • Provide ongoing feedback and
    suggestions for future projects.
Q: What exactly does Turnkey Manufacturing include at Insight Fitness?
A: It encompasses the entire process from concept development, design, prototyping, production, to delivery.
Q: How does the design process work in Turnkey Manufacturing?
A: It's a collaborative process with client input, managed by our design and engineering team.
Q: Who owns the intellectual property of a product developed through Turnkey Manufacturing?
A: Typically, Insight Fitness retains some IP rights, but this can be negotiated.
Q: Can Insight Fitness assist with market research and analysis for Turnkey projects?
A: Typically, our clients have better insights into their local market demands, hence most of this work is led by the client. However, our professional product development team can assist in this effort to validate and refine the product concept.
Q: What is the typical timeframe for a Turnkey Manufacturing project from concept to delivery?
A: The timeframe is approximately 4-10 months, depending on the product's complexity and any revisions.
Q: Are there any additional costs for the full-service Turnkey Manufacturing process?
A: Turnkey services may incur higher costs due to the comprehensive range of services provided.
Q: How involved can we be in the design and manufacturing process?
A: Clients are involved at key stages for feedback and approvals, ensuring alignment with their vision.
Q: Does Insight Fitness provide after-sales support for products developed through Turnkey Manufacturing?
A: Yes, we offer comprehensive after-sales support, including technical assistance and warranty services.
Q: How does Insight Fitness ensure confidentiality in Turnkey projects?
A: We have strict confidentiality policies in place to protect client ideas and projects.
Q: Can we request changes or modifications during the Turnkey Manufacturing process?
A: Changes can be accommodated during the early stages, though they may affect the project timeline and costs.
Thank you for your inquiry. A confirmation email will be sent to you shortly, detailing the specifics of your request. 
We appreciate your interest and are eager to explore how we can work together.